Tuesday, September 13, 2011


by Tj Ginn on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 12:19am
Replicator – Do you believe that in the future of scientific development we will have the inimitable Star Trek replicator or perhaps the transporter? All you have to do is ask it for food or whatever you want and it magically assembles the atoms to produce your desired or projects you anywhere you want.  Science and science dreams have produced a false future that many people and their children believe will happen if we just wish hard enough. The movies say it is so, so it must be. Let’s get real. Let us deal with real science and not fiction. Do not stop dreaming, just deal with the real. Are you or your children being deluded with 3D dreams? Can you tell what real science is and what is not? You are sleeping. The universe is not what it seems. Star Trek is a fiction. Your children no longer play in the real world but rather spend all of their time in illusion.

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