Friday, September 23, 2011


Was Friedrich Nietzsche sick because of his ruminations or was his preponderance the cause of his illness?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Societal despondence, your true Angst

You can’t agree on anything. You don’t like each other. You need to get away, but there is no where to go except out.

It is not your fault. There is something seriously wrong with human society. Can it be fixed?

The wilderness used to provide you with your escape where you could run and be wild with no law, but that is gone. You circle in on each other in your society and point and blame and imprison each other for your lack of your wild freedom and you do unjust entrapment and murder.

Your children are born to your disease of megalomania and oppression under the guise of your historical struggle for freedom when truly you are a carnivorous beast with no sense of the ideology that compels you. God save that you would have a brain to stop your lust.

Stop. Stop building, stop fornicating, stop illegitimacy of the child, stop gambling, stop lying, stop hating, stop being prideful, stop killing, and stop your wicked imaginations.

But I fear you are not smart enough to know the six, yea seven things that the Lord doth hate.

Can it be fixed? I fear not.

TJ Ginn

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Existential theory goes like this… A man walks to the edge of a cliff and has fear that he could fall over the edge and die, but he then stops, meditates and thinks, what if I just throw myself over the edge. Thus is your angst, the temptation and quizzical, personal challenge of your existential life or existence.

When you were a child and you approached the loose tooth in your jaw and you pondered pulling it out or not, you had ‘angst.’ While you took days pushing and pulling on the tooth or whether you pulled it out or not, is not a measure or your bravado, for in the sleep of death what dreams may come.

I am quoting Shakespeare’s mortal coil. If you do not know what that means, try a Google search.

We are continually at the precipice of the best we can be and need not throw ourselves off the cliff to prove our sacrifice.

Megalomania is a disease as bad as cancer. It is okay to be simple. Stop the madness.

Monday, September 19, 2011

God wants you broken and dead

You are trying to fix what is broken. You are trying to solve the insolvable. You want life eternal but your logic and intellect fails and in your angst you blame God. Who else can you blame for your condition? It is certainly not your fault. No one asked you if you wanted to be born and all of this is certainly not your solipsism.

Yet you support and promote… What is it that you support and promote?

You support violence, you support megalomania, you support idolatry and icons, and you support the love of the rich and famous and a machine that cannot stop its blatant consumption of more and more want and the slaves that feed its needs.

Come home to real life. It is possible. Just start a garden, read a book and slow down. What you need is right out your back door in the dirt.

Now about the broken and dead part, read “The Children of the Seven Hills” and you will understand.

Your love of violence

 Justifiable violence is the defense of life and limb from oppression. The civil war of the US, The Bolshevik revolution, WWI, WWII, The Korean conflict, Vietnam, the Contra war in Nicaragua, the coup of Pinochet in Chili and his prosecution for war crimes.

You may question many of these as you chose your side. Is it indignation that compels you to violent recourse? Sometimes, Perhaps, but are you justified?

You are a violent person. You get in your car and immediately you are a worrier flipping the finger at the oppressor who cut you off.

Just yesterday at the air show in Las Vegas Nevada a plane crashed and people were killed. They were just spectators but it was their love of violence that took them to the show. Think about it.

What you really want is the Roman Gladiators duel to the death. You condone it everyday with your money and support.

You get what you deserve. “Thou shalt not tempt the lord thy God”

A violent world gets violence. What do you expect?

How do you catch a monkey?

Shaka kaSenzangakhona the Zulu chief conquered by the English in the 18th century made a political statement that astounded the English commanders and statesmen.

How do you catch a monkey? His response was “You put something shiny in a bottle.”
The monkey will reach in and grab the shiny thing and grasp it. The monkey so wants the shiny thing that it will not let go. It cannot speed away with the weight of the bottle and it will not let go. You can then grab the monkey and roast it for dinner.

Watching a newscast of the Emmy’s and all the fashions and jewels and the so called beautiful people in all their regalia appears to me to be monkeys caught with the shiny things.

Mindless robots being lead by the blind megalomaniacs and you do not even see it.

Come home to real life and away from the idolatry of the big enterprise. Learn something of value. Grow food, raise animals, read books, play with your kids. It is not too late.


Sunday, September 18, 2011


Innocence is a necessary separation from the adult world. This is something that people understood years ago. That is why we have age separation with the age for a driver’s license and the minimum age to drink. It is why we prevent minors from smoking which is the first vice they sneak.

You are not getting this… Children steal their sneak into the adult world of corruption. Allow their brief freedom and hide your addiction to debauchery or perhaps clean up your act and become a good person.

Let children be children and grow up at their own pace without exposure to decadence.

Good Luck

Mark Twain and Huck Finn are waiting at the creek. Come home and stop the madness.


Whey is the way

Come home and do it the way Grandma did. Take a cucumber and slice it up. Buy a quart of natural plain yogurt and with your kitchen strainer and some cheese cloth or a sterile towel, put the yogurt in this simple sieve and allow the whey to drain out.

What is left is cream cheese that you can eat on crackers and the liquid whey.

Now put your cumbers in a quart Mason jar or Ball jar. It needs a tight sealing lid to keep oxygen away from your preserves. Add a little dill seed and a pinch of salt and four tablespoons of your whey liquid. Add just a little water, preferably distilled or processed water that is sterile and bacteria free.

Three days at room temperature or 72 degrees and you have preserved cucumber. You can keep it in the fridge for months.

Now what’s the point? Food manufacturers cannot use this method and you are missing an important nutrition in vitamins and especially lactic acid and lactobacilli in your digestive process.

Food processors pasteurize to kill all fermentation. Then they add nitrates, salt and mono-sodium glutamate.

You need real food, not processed crap. Come home to a real life and make your own food. It is not hard and it is fun.

Any vegetable and fruit can be preserved this way and the flavor is incredible.

Acknowledgement - Thanks Mike Vires for showing me the way of the whey.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Who are you?

Striving in the sea of humanity I long ago realized that life is a matter of ‘how long can you tread water.’ Theologically it was posed in the parable of Adam and Eve in the Book of ‘Genesis’ in the Bible that when God accordingly cast them out of the Garden of Eden they were to do labor.

I do suggest to you and especially to our children that do not even have the where-with-all to know what parable means, that Adam and Eve is a parable. You are beset with labor and are failing in your solutions.

You have lost all of your ideological history and you do not know where you came from if you ever did.

Read “Children of the Seven Hills,” and learn about yourself, or not.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Slow Down

I know you want the world to slow down. It is all happening too fast.
All you have to do is hold my hand and we will go home together.
The streams flow with fish and children play in the brook. Turtles still walk slowly and disease is rare if at all and the mystery of Christ is at hand.

Read “Children of the Seven Hills” it all makes sense.

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