Saturday, December 31, 2011


Existential solipsism to complete your narcissism is only accomplished in this contemporary age for a few moments until you are broken down on the highway with a flat tire and a homeless mechanic comes to your aid to loosen the bolt you could not. He changed your tire and sent you on your way and you gave him a twenty and said thanks.

Welcome to 2012. Either you become cooperative or you perish. What does this mean?
Have love one to the other, or perish. Everyone is ugly. Gain your beauty through grace.
Give it, love it, become it. The greatest of all the spirits or metaphysical implantation's is Love, Hate, Joy, Grief, Fear, Jealousy and Grace. Be possessed by Grace. It is the best you can be.

Happy 2012, the new age.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Shiny Gifts

Shiny gifts of diamonds and gold and the lust to provide your heart throb with enticing magnetism to draw her to physically succumb and rend herself to your desires and not withstanding the modern acceptance of cross gender indulgence, this is brought to mind...

     Shaka kaSenzangakhona the Zulu chief conquered by the English in the 18th century made a political statement that astounded the English commanders and statesmen.
     How do you catch a monkey? His response was “You put something shiny in a bottle.” The monkey will reach to grab the shiny thing and grasp it tightly. The monkey so wants the shiny thing that it will not let go. It cannot run away with the weight of the bottle and it will not let go of its prize. You can then grab the monkey and roast it for dinner.
     Never consider yourself to be more than a monkey chasing a shiny thing, an animal called to higher thought. Can you overcome. A diamond is just a rock and the monkey will sell its soul to have it.

King Shaka of the Zulu

Sunday, December 18, 2011

It is not what you think!

Synesthesia (also spelled synæsthesia or synaesthesia, plural synesthesiae or synaesthesiae), from the ancient Greek σύν (syn), "together," and αἴσθησις (aisthēsis), "sensation," is a neurologically based condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. People who report such experiences are known as synesthetes.
I only disagree with choice of colors.

Dreams that seemingly morph without logic is part of the weightlessness of sleep. One needs to be free on all accounts. It seems logical does it not. The logic of senselessness. It unfortunately dominates the US Congress.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Do your social studies homework and what you will find is ideology. It is the continual argument as to who has the right to life and by what means. Don’t let anybody fool you that this is a complex subject. It is all about who owns what, who gets what and who the boss is. In the USA we have a bunch of lying thieves called the congress who dole out the goodies to their buddies and get paid to do it. It is complete hypocrisy with demagoguery playing on the ignorance of the people to sway votes to their side.

What is right? Less government, less rules, low taxes, conservative or more government, more rules, tax controls liberal.

The communist model by Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin turned into a fascist dictatorship and it failed because without individual autonomy and private ownership, pride, ambition and property protection disappears. Communal property becomes dilapidated because no one cares about it.

The concept of communism came about because unbridled capitalism and its ambition to possess leaves the proletariat working class people in poverty with municipalities devastated in waste. The wealthy entrepreneur with cash in hand moves away and lives elsewhere.

Our system in the USA attempts to balance the protection of the individual and the pride of ownership and not let the Capitalist run away with all the money leaving the working people that made them rich with nothing. There you have it. SOCIALISM. Our brand of socialism is the continual protection of the individual with freedom and opportunity and the law to prevent the wholesale rape by capitalists to take no responsibility to the community of the human race.

Everyone wants freedom, everyone deserves life and no one owns the natural resources and that includes oil and natural gas and the companies who use it should pay us for the privilege. Your cost of living is directly related to fuel costs and those prices are fixed by the oil barons that are nested together to keep prices high.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dream Ecstasy

In my book, “The Ecstasy of my Dream,” I express a philosophy, that to truly have ecstasy in your dreams you must be self-righteous and in order to be self-righteous you must be right. People seem to have difficulty today even knowing what right is or that there is right thinking. So think about it. Do you know what right is? You can be damn sure you know what wrong is when it is done to you. That analysis may help you.

            Get wrong out of your life and may you have sweet dreams.

This has been a non-secular offering by a spirit guide to help you be complete or rather whole or is that holy as in Holy Spirit or rather complete in the spirit.

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Friday, September 23, 2011


Was Friedrich Nietzsche sick because of his ruminations or was his preponderance the cause of his illness?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Societal despondence, your true Angst

You can’t agree on anything. You don’t like each other. You need to get away, but there is no where to go except out.

It is not your fault. There is something seriously wrong with human society. Can it be fixed?

The wilderness used to provide you with your escape where you could run and be wild with no law, but that is gone. You circle in on each other in your society and point and blame and imprison each other for your lack of your wild freedom and you do unjust entrapment and murder.

Your children are born to your disease of megalomania and oppression under the guise of your historical struggle for freedom when truly you are a carnivorous beast with no sense of the ideology that compels you. God save that you would have a brain to stop your lust.

Stop. Stop building, stop fornicating, stop illegitimacy of the child, stop gambling, stop lying, stop hating, stop being prideful, stop killing, and stop your wicked imaginations.

But I fear you are not smart enough to know the six, yea seven things that the Lord doth hate.

Can it be fixed? I fear not.

TJ Ginn

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Existential theory goes like this… A man walks to the edge of a cliff and has fear that he could fall over the edge and die, but he then stops, meditates and thinks, what if I just throw myself over the edge. Thus is your angst, the temptation and quizzical, personal challenge of your existential life or existence.

When you were a child and you approached the loose tooth in your jaw and you pondered pulling it out or not, you had ‘angst.’ While you took days pushing and pulling on the tooth or whether you pulled it out or not, is not a measure or your bravado, for in the sleep of death what dreams may come.

I am quoting Shakespeare’s mortal coil. If you do not know what that means, try a Google search.

We are continually at the precipice of the best we can be and need not throw ourselves off the cliff to prove our sacrifice.

Megalomania is a disease as bad as cancer. It is okay to be simple. Stop the madness.

Monday, September 19, 2011

God wants you broken and dead

You are trying to fix what is broken. You are trying to solve the insolvable. You want life eternal but your logic and intellect fails and in your angst you blame God. Who else can you blame for your condition? It is certainly not your fault. No one asked you if you wanted to be born and all of this is certainly not your solipsism.

Yet you support and promote… What is it that you support and promote?

You support violence, you support megalomania, you support idolatry and icons, and you support the love of the rich and famous and a machine that cannot stop its blatant consumption of more and more want and the slaves that feed its needs.

Come home to real life. It is possible. Just start a garden, read a book and slow down. What you need is right out your back door in the dirt.

Now about the broken and dead part, read “The Children of the Seven Hills” and you will understand.

Your love of violence

 Justifiable violence is the defense of life and limb from oppression. The civil war of the US, The Bolshevik revolution, WWI, WWII, The Korean conflict, Vietnam, the Contra war in Nicaragua, the coup of Pinochet in Chili and his prosecution for war crimes.

You may question many of these as you chose your side. Is it indignation that compels you to violent recourse? Sometimes, Perhaps, but are you justified?

You are a violent person. You get in your car and immediately you are a worrier flipping the finger at the oppressor who cut you off.

Just yesterday at the air show in Las Vegas Nevada a plane crashed and people were killed. They were just spectators but it was their love of violence that took them to the show. Think about it.

What you really want is the Roman Gladiators duel to the death. You condone it everyday with your money and support.

You get what you deserve. “Thou shalt not tempt the lord thy God”

A violent world gets violence. What do you expect?