Do your social studies homework and what you will
find is ideology. It is the continual argument as to who has the right
to life and by what means. Don’t let anybody fool you that this is a
complex subject. It is all about who owns what, who gets what and who
the boss is. In the USA we have a bunch of lying thieves called the
congress who dole out the goodies to their buddies and get paid to do
it. It is complete hypocrisy with demagoguery playing on the ignorance
of the people to sway votes to their side.
What is right? Less government, less rules, low taxes, conservative or more government, more rules, tax controls liberal.
The communist model by Marx, Lenin, Trotsky
and Stalin turned into a fascist dictatorship and it failed because
without individual autonomy and private ownership, pride, ambition and
property protection disappears. Communal property becomes dilapidated
because no one cares about it.
The concept of communism came about because
unbridled capitalism and its ambition to possess leaves the proletariat
working class people in poverty with municipalities devastated in
waste. The wealthy entrepreneur with cash in hand moves away and lives
Our system in the USA attempts to balance
the protection of the individual and the pride of ownership and not let
the Capitalist run away with all the money leaving the working people
that made them rich with nothing. There you have it. SOCIALISM. Our
brand of socialism is the continual protection of the individual with
freedom and opportunity and the law to prevent the wholesale rape by
capitalists to take no responsibility to the community of the human
Everyone wants freedom, everyone deserves
life and no one owns the natural resources and that includes oil and
natural gas and the companies who use it should pay us for the
privilege. Your cost of living is directly related to fuel costs and
those prices are fixed by the oil barons that are nested together to
keep prices high.
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