Friday, March 16, 2012

Rendering Compassion

Rendering Compassion; perhaps distilling your care.
How do I know if my concern has been usurped, am I a fool and when do I discern?

Mine own heart is stopped at this consideration by the very charge that is presented before us. In the tempest of destruction, whom do you chose to save? I choose all who cry out, and I reach out to raise them up in want of my very soul for I assume they are of kindred kind and I so wanted to save them, and then they devoured me in deception.

How can one discern? How can one know? Know only your honesty to yourself.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Adoration of Kindness

One might say that grace is the ultimate state of being rising above the noise of discontent. But then discontent stems from want, the want to be nourished, the want to be sheltered from the many harms of our physical existence.

Intelligence can artfully dance upon the sea of our material world. We ogle the masters of the ‘Glass Bead Game’ rendering our service to their wisdom and the very shares of our labor to buy the luxury that can distance us momentarily from our discontent.

Ideologically we way in the balance our governance of right and wrong and by discourse defend our means or wage or right to be. Under freedom and democratic argument we determine our justification of the classes from poor to bourgeois to opulent or even megalomania.

One might consider that a beggar on the street that refuses to work, with the exception of mental illness, is a tyrant allowing your children to labor in their stead to provide for their needs and wants. Could this mean that charity in this case is miss-given? Thus many pass by a vagabond with a sign, “Will Work for Food,” unless they will really work for food. Some just succumb and think, “If you are so low that you need to be on the street with a sign, you are truly needy.” They render up a bill or two and feel they have done charities’ call.

So as you meander through this incomprehensible realm look deep into the eyes of your fellows, discerning each individual by the best of your judgment and render grace and kindness where it is due, even unto your adversary when found in need and he will no longer be your adversary.

Now the world is contrary to this with its brutal economic competition until there is devastation, then wonders never cease as the kind come forth to give all that they have.

We are at our best when we are broken and don’t you adore when someone is kind.

For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Contrition, contrite, repentance, remorse, regret, sorrow, sorry, penitent, apologetic.

Grace, forgiveness, elegance, refinement, loveliness, polish, beauty, poise, charm.

The order of terms suggests that you cannot have the latter without first being broken.

And thus the necessity of the differential, without it there is no meaning.

Ignorance proceeds wisdom and even God cannot prevent this existential truth.

We weep for our children knowing the path to knowledge is suffrage.

Would that you could tell them but they will not listen until burned.

The world is an incorrigible child not yet contrite. Oh the sorrow! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Incredible Lightness of Being

Warning – Human angst is inconsolable.

Now, this may seem to be inspired by the film, “The Unbearable Lightness of Being,” however this is not plagiarized. It rather is inspired by experience.

Never were there truer words that “Ignorance is Bliss,” for it is this necessary requirement that compels adventure. Educated sages will contemplate at infinitum and never move where “Fools Rush In.”

Impetuousness is the harbinger of the young, albeit misguided by the patriarchs and matriarchs that proceed them. This includes the daunting task of the laws justification of what is right and what is wrong.

The prospect of setting right the wrong dumbfounds us all with the precept that we as simple finite little humans, and I emphasize ‘little,’ are not responsible, and thus is the human angst to surrender to that which is beyond their control. It is all too big for me.

We allow atrocities and dodge bullets hoping to be spared, knowing that our short life has little meaning, thus allowing megalomaniacs to lead the world to utter consumption and devastation. We are Lemmings on a course of destruction and cannot stop.

So laissez-faire, que sera sera, none of this is my fault.

Simple answer - Require legitimacy, stop the population, stay home and grow food.
Your ability to entertain your short little life is filled with bigger, better more. Star Trek is a fiction and while you are trying to get somewhere you cannot realize that you are already there.

I would hope that you would realize this and stop milling around the world because you are only going in circles and do not realize the “Incredible Lightness of Being.” But, you will not, and this is not my fault.

TJ Ginn

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Incomprehensible Beauty of the Differential

So let us think about it in the simple physical realm.
Simple does not mean simplistic but rather not complex which in itself is a differential.

The Cognitive simple physical differentiations by the animal species…

One should recognize that the animal species includes all cellular incarnations from virus to complex protein manipulated complexes. They are…

Light vs. Dark
Hard vs. Soft
Hot vs. Cold
Fast vs. Slow
Macro vs. Micro

The Complex metaphysical differentials by the animal species

One should note that the physical differentials do not exist without the essential animal, the observer, whom existentially places the metaphysical differential realities juxtaposed to raw matter physicality with its cognitive interpretation.

Love vs. Hate
Joy vs. Grief
Fear vs. Peace
Jealousy vs. Grace
Empathetic vs. Indifference
Right vs. Wrong
Just vs. Unjust
Hate vs. Love

Existential Theory / Philosophy

Deal with what is real!
Existential activism - recognize physical vs. metaphysical.

This is not in defense of irrational thinking and this is a rhetorical statement.

There is no separation from the physical and metaphysical.

There is no escape







You think it won’t happen?





The greatest differential is “To be or not to Be”

“You won’t get this until you are at deaths door.”

So why wait. Forgive and love someone NOW!
Before they are dead to tomorrow and the only tragedy is that
'you are not listening.'

Read “Children of the Seven Hills”
A novel by TJ Ginn
“It all makes sense in the end”
Available on

Monday, January 16, 2012

Golden Globe dying World

Drunken mockery, while the rich and famous go slumming with their self-aggrandizing diatribe and their great works of charity as their agents argue in backrooms for opulent compensation and they yank at your tears with their sad and pensive stories on the big screen.

You are the lemming that buys their product and upon which they feed.

A world that is sick and dying looks for a cure and vindication for unrighteousness but there is none. I digress ~ “an evil and wicked generation seeks a sign but there is none.”

The Nephilim rule but I fear you do not know what that means. Look it up.

Monday, January 9, 2012


            One is drawn to the base to gain definition, who am I, what am I, where am I and what is right and what is wrong or rather what can I do and what is contemptible.

            Perhaps contemptible is too erudite for one must consider the differential.

You would do nothing unless you must.

What does this mean?

You would not get out of bed unless the coals on the fire were not warming you enough.

I do digress to an earlier age when one had to stoke the fire for warmth.

Misanthropic delusions of this age of ease, you merely turn up the thermostat on your gas fired furnace and digitally control your comfort.  

What is worse is that you are too ignorant to understand how the computer integration of your digitally controlled thermostat works.

This is the isolation and separation. You do not understand your realm. You click and paste and play the surface of what is completely manipulated beneath you.

You have allowed it. It is increasing in complexity and no one is responsible.

Try and find someone who will take responsibility.

Come home and plant some seeds and grow real food. You can’t eat a digital phone and video games get boring.

TJ Ginn
For the love of real life.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Misanthropic, Misogynistic and Misandry require contemplation even for the erudite elitist on a quest of intellectual pursuit to be sure that they were not deficient in their studies, for even they must pause.

Misanthropic is the hatred of humans of all ilks, while Misogyny is the hatred of women and Misandry is the hatred of the male.

Consider self loathing before any contemptuous considerations. In order to hate something you must be something so all of these become self loathing.

You animal. You defecator. You wash and polish your appearance with perfume to cover your inadequacy and then purport to express your disgust of the existence of others.

Loneliness is you prescription, isolation and separation till you cry for conversation.

And out of the darkness came want. The primal scream to be and not be alone.

And then you hate no one or anything and love is all that is.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Existential solipsism to complete your narcissism is only accomplished in this contemporary age for a few moments until you are broken down on the highway with a flat tire and a homeless mechanic comes to your aid to loosen the bolt you could not. He changed your tire and sent you on your way and you gave him a twenty and said thanks.

Welcome to 2012. Either you become cooperative or you perish. What does this mean?
Have love one to the other, or perish. Everyone is ugly. Gain your beauty through grace.
Give it, love it, become it. The greatest of all the spirits or metaphysical implantation's is Love, Hate, Joy, Grief, Fear, Jealousy and Grace. Be possessed by Grace. It is the best you can be.

Happy 2012, the new age.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Shiny Gifts

Shiny gifts of diamonds and gold and the lust to provide your heart throb with enticing magnetism to draw her to physically succumb and rend herself to your desires and not withstanding the modern acceptance of cross gender indulgence, this is brought to mind...

     Shaka kaSenzangakhona the Zulu chief conquered by the English in the 18th century made a political statement that astounded the English commanders and statesmen.
     How do you catch a monkey? His response was “You put something shiny in a bottle.” The monkey will reach to grab the shiny thing and grasp it tightly. The monkey so wants the shiny thing that it will not let go. It cannot run away with the weight of the bottle and it will not let go of its prize. You can then grab the monkey and roast it for dinner.
     Never consider yourself to be more than a monkey chasing a shiny thing, an animal called to higher thought. Can you overcome. A diamond is just a rock and the monkey will sell its soul to have it.

King Shaka of the Zulu